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3-piece hand care kit (with callus plane)

CHF 34.90
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  • 3-piece w.o.d.welder hand care kit (with callus plane) to protect and care for the hands
  • Perfect for cross training, weight lifting, gymnastics, powerlifting, rowing and all other forms of movement that require the palms of your hands
  • Callus plane efficiently removes calluses on hands and feet
  • Care stick makes calluses and damaged skin supple and accelerates healing
  • Cream provides moisture to make the skin more resilient
  • Handmade in the USA from natural ingredients
    • Scope of delivery
      • 1x 'Solid Salve' stick (28.3g)
      • 1x 'Hands as Rx' cream (59 ml)
      • 1x callus plane with 5 replacement blades
    • Manufacturer's name
      • w.o.d.welder 3-step callus shaver hand care kit
    • Also available as a set with other popular products

    The w.o.d.welder hand care kit reduces the risk of injury to the palms of the hands and accelerates healing

    With calluses on the palms of the hands, the hands tear up more quickly during kipping-pull-ups, toes-to-bar, weight training and other sports that put strain on the hands.
    So that you can reduce the risk of skin injuries and cracks on your hands, the calluses on your hands should be the same level like the rest of the skin.

    The 3-piece hand care kit with callus plane includes everything you need for care

    Each hand care kit includes:

    • 1x callus plane with 5 replacement blades
    • 1x 'Solid Salve' stick (28.3g)
    • 1x 'Hands as Rx' cream (59 ml)

    With the razor blade of the callus plane from w.o.d.welder you can easily and efficiently remove the annoying calluses that build up during training.
    With the 'Salve' stick and the 'Hands as Rx' cream you care for your hands and make them soft and supple. 
    This accelerates healing and makes the skin more flexible and therefore less susceptible to cracks.
    The stick is also suitable for caring for other damaged skin areas, such as chafed shins from deadlifts.

    How to use the w.o.d.welder Hand Care Kit in 3 easy steps

    • Step 1: Use the stick on calluses and damaged areas of skin daily to make the skin supple.
    • Step 2: Remove your calluses and thick areas of skin with the callus plane.  If you want it to be particularly fine, you can then do the finishing touches with the separately available pumice stone.
    • Step 3: Use the cream daily on the entire hand to provide the skin with the necessary moisture.

    Natural ingredients without artificial flavors

    The Hand Care Kit by w.o.d.welder is handmade in the USA using naturally sourced, sustainably sourced ingredients.
    The ingredients are gluten-free and not tested on animals.

    Ingredients 'Solid Salve' Stick:

    • Olive oil, beeswax, lanolin, shea butter, aloe butter, peppermint and eucalyptus essential oils

    Ingredients 'Hands as Rx' Cream:

    • Water, beeswax, glycerin, mineral oil, lanolin, allantoin, sorbic acid, peppermint and eucalyptus essential oils

      The origins of w.o.d.welder

      w.o.d.welder was founded by the athletes of a boxing team in the USA who were fed up with constantly tearing their hands open during training.
      After a few days of intense cross-training, each of her hands became sore and torn, which frustrated her and prevented her from continuing to train.

      In search of the optimal hand care set for functional fitness sports, they have developed the hand care kit.
      Today it is loved by athletes around the world for the care and protection of hands during hard training.

      Customer Reviews

      Based on 4 reviews

      Suoer sache!


      Funktioniert tatsächlich mit dem Hobel sehr gut und einfach. Die Handcreme riecht sehr fein und ist angenehm. . Der Stift sowieso bewährt und wirksam. Bestes Set ever!!! Für alle Crossfitter ein „Must-have“ 👍🫶 Danke für dieses tolle Set.


      a MUST for a crossfiter

      Das perfekte Gadged

      Funktioniert perfekt, Creme riecht gut. Jedoch sollte man nach dem abschaben vlt . Nicht grad drauf trainieren. 1-2 Tage abheilen lassen. Top Produkt